Base Bling Magnetic Base System for Fantasy Football

Base Bling Magnetic Base System for Fantasy Football


THIS CONTAINS THE 32MM MAGNETIC BASES AND GENERAL SKILLS ONLY. THE FULL SET OF BASE BLING CAN BE FOUND HERE: ** BaseBling Magnetic Base + Rings System ** ** For Fantasy Football ** BaseBling is a modular miniature basing system for magnetizing bases and providing unlimited expandability through matching magnetized rings. ** What's Included In Full Set** --- - 32mm Bases (blank, numbered 1-16) - 32mm Skill Rings (blank, skills, positions, numbers, staff, inducements, stats) - 40mm Bases (blank, numbered 1-16) - 42mm Ball Tokens (flat, beveled, and chamfered) ** What You Need ** --- - A resin 3D printer - 3mm x 3mm cylindrical magnets (tested on n42 strength) - Super glue - A white paint pen (Molotow, etc.) in 1mm for painting letters - A black permanent market (for light rings/bases) - Lychee slicer software (free) to access .LYS files ** Production Tips ** *BASES* --- Do not print flat on the plate. To print in bulk, rotate them 90' X (so they stand up) and then 45' Y (so the numbers are not directly facing the plate). Support the bottom side heavily. Add a lot of heavy supports on the bottom edge closest to the plate. This may require more cleanup but it is important that the printed dimensions be accurate. When rinsing the bases, either shake them vigorously to get liquid out of the magnet holes, or tear the cotton off of an ear swab and use the paper stick to draw out the liquid. This was a problem with water-washable resin but may not apply to IPA. *RINGS* --- Use the included LYS files with Lychee to copy the supported rings you need, where available. For rings without LYS files, to print them -- rotate the ring 90' X so they are standing up. Manually raise the ring 6-7mm vertically off the plate. Manually apply many heavy supports along the bottom part of the ring. Then select light supports and auto-support islands (islands only). This will support the letters. To remove supports, soak the print in near-boiling water for ~1-2 minutes. They should peel right out. Clean up any leftover supports on the letters by rubbing your (gloved) thumb across them or the back of a hobby knife. There will be some scarring on the side of the ring from the heavy supports which cannot be avoided. To color the ring letters, use a paint pen for ease. (or permanent marker on white resin). White Molotow works well. It is safer to paint the letters from a low angle. This takes some practice but eventually you can get pretty fast/accurate at this. *MAGNETIZING* --- Use 3mm x 3mm cylindrical magnets for rings AND bases. Everything was tested with n42 strength, but n52 will likely work also. You can order in bulk from Ali Express. VERY IMPORTANT: Once you decide the magnetic direction of the bases/rings, it cannot be changed. All future bases/rings MUST be magnetized the same way or the rings and bases could oppose each other. ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS, test the magnetic direction on existing rings/bases before starting a new gluing session. I keep the magnets in one hand in a stick, and always push them through the bottom of the rings to be consistent. There is a bit more tolerance in the base magnet holes. Put a big glob of super glue on the end of the magnet and stick it in the base, then scrape it off the magnet chain with it still slightly out of the hole. You want the glue to squirt up on the sides. Then push the base down on something hard and flat to sink the magnet flush with the base. It is vital that the magnet at LEAST be flat. If you must err, sink the magnet too much or the figure will wobble. The tolerance for the ring magnets is a bit tighter. To attach magnets, take the stick of magnets and lightly coat the outer edge/side of the magnet, and then push it into the ring, then slide off the magnet chain. Push it down on something hard and flat to make sure the magnet is flush and not sticking out, otherwise the ring will wobble. Make sure to apply all pressure to the middle of the ring, as pushing against the edges can cause the ring to snap. If you have too much super glue creating a blob and interfering with the connection between bases/rings, put the base/ring flat on some sandpaper and sand it down. If a ring doesn't fit well into a base or other ring, check the tabs/slots for small pieces of resin which may be blocking the connection. This can happen during the cleaning process.






