Batman: The Animated Series Adventures - Shadow of the Bat Remix All in Organizer

Batman: The Animated Series Adventures - Shadow of the Bat Remix All in Organizer


I have remixed Batman: The Animated Series Adventures - Shadow of the Bat Organizer by PengLord. This version will accommodate the hero boards in the main batman box if you do not sleeve your cards and do not need the extra shared action tokens for each character. I printed everything in the original design except for the following differences: ---For the card trays, I printed the "Main-Card Tray.stl" X1 & "Main-Card Tray 2.stl" (smaller tray) x 2 The Main card tray along with one small card tray is on the left side of box, while the second small tray is on the right of the box. ---For the main Dice Tray, I redesigned it to fit only dice so you will only need 3 prints of this redesign to fit all the dice (DO NOT print the other main dice trays, they will not be needed for this remix). I only have 1 set of the villain dice, but these three trays could fit a second set if needed. The pictures show the rest as to how the hero boards fit neatly on top. Hope this helps anyone out. Ultimately, this ends up fitting everything in 3 boxes, well organized.







3D Printing