30mm Fan Housing

30mm Fan Housing


Storytime! I wanted to use my Raspberry Pi 3b, with my Ender 3 v2, and I found this really awesome case build by kingstonrichard that actually mounts directly to the side rail of the Ender 3; https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4713922 I printed it out and I've had my Pi running my Ender for almost a month now. That said, one thing I've noticed is that the Pi is constantly exceeding it's heat limit. OctoPrint is constantly yelling at me that it's overheated. Anyone who knows anything about Pi's knows that when you exceed the thermal limit, which is around 60-70'C, it clocks down and becomes much less efficient (slower). I don't fault the case, as it's got excellent ventilation, however Pi's just aren't built to have passive cooling. I didn't want to replace the case either, because I really love it's design. I ordered a Raspberry Pi fan and when it came I found it was 30mm. Since the fan wouldn't fit in the existing case, I decided I needed to make a shroud that I could glue to it. Thus, this design was born! I was content at solving my own problem, but I figured others out there might want this solution as well, so here it is. Enjoy!






