Gilera Runner SM06 rubbers

Gilera Runner SM06 rubbers


Mould to make rubbers for the exhaust plate of a Gilera Runner 180cc 2-stroke. 12 (3 sets) of these rubbers would normally cost you about 60 euro. With this reusable mould you can make a multiple of that, and spend no more than 10 euro in total. I mixed silicone caulk with black acrylic paint and a little corn starch and then injected it into the mould using a 100ml syringe. I took the mould apart after about 12 hours after injecting. To mix the caulk, paint and corn starch I used a small transparent plastic bag, and then I cut off the corner to push the silicone into a syringe. Then use the syringe to inject it into the mould. Before putting the mould together I sprayed some teflon onto it so that the silicone does not stick to the mould. Make sure that the little hole near the injection hole is not clogged, this is needed to push the air out when injecting. I used a 1mm drill to make sure it is open.





