Umarex HDS 68 Rib Riser
The rib on the HDS is purely decorative as the barrel selector obscures it in use. This rises the rib by an additional ~5mm and adds a small "bead" front sight. It comes in two parts, the barrel shroud/rib and the action shroud/rib. The barrel shroud is attached by: * Removing the screw under the muzzles. * Sliding the shroud over the barrels * Screwing the muzzle screw back in. The action shroud is attached by * Removing the two screws holding in the rear rip * Clipping the new shroud over * Using two new M3 bolds to hold in place. Use the "Snug Fitting Barrel Band" to check the size before printing the two shrouds. *THIS IS WORK IN PROGRESS* NOTE: There is a roughly 4mm gap between the barrel and the action shrouds, as well as other minor issues. NOTE: This is the shroud only, not the stock.