Customizable Sinar Lens Board (Horseman, INKA)
Customizable Sinar Lens Board. ==================== ### Customisable settings: +**Board:** type of the board (filled center part, border only, or border with support); thickness of the board (will change only the center part of the border). +**Drilled hole** for your lens: choose the diameter and offset. Few examples are shown with possible settings (written in blue), to make it easier to understand, board type, and how the thickness works. The dimension of the board is 140x140mm with rounded corners (r=1), which should fit Sinar, Horseman, and INKA cameras. Simply open the design in "Customizer" to enter the required values. Or download the SCAD file (text/code) and edit it in OpenSCAD software (free, available to download from 2nd option is preferred - the STL file can be generated within a few moments. Using a web-based "Customizer" can take several hours to generate an STL file. If you are not able to use OpenSCAD or getting problems generating STL file, play with settings in “Customizer” and as soon you are happy with the result, write a comment below with the required settings. I will generate the STL file for you and upload it here. **Please include the following info:** **+ Hole:** **+ Hole Offset:** **+ Board Type:** **+ Thickness of the board:** [Follow me on Instagram]( "Medium and Large format photography") **Exercise extreme caution when mounting your precious/expensive/rare lens on a 3d-printed lens board. Depending on many factors, such as (but not limited to): print quality, material, lens weight and etc. - the lens board might be too weak to hold your lens properly. Please test your board before using it. Do not risk your lens!**