Anycubic Photon Mono X - Platform Protection Dam against Resin Ingress into Center Mount / Screws Area

Anycubic Photon Mono X - Platform Protection Dam against Resin Ingress into Center Mount / Screws Area


This is a resin protection dam to protect the Anycubic Photon Mono X build platform screws/mounts in the center from being flooded with resin when being immersed into the VAT. Screws are cumbersome to clean, therefore I made this protection dam/sleeve to go around the center portion of the upper side of the stock build platform. Dam needs to be glued to top of the build platform with some all-purpose glue. Make sure to cover the whole contact surface, so the dam seals well against the resin. If the dam needs tiny adjustments to exactly match snugly with the top of the buildplate, you can optionally heat the dam with a hot air gun to ~60degC and then carefully press it against the mating buildplate surface, so it tracks the mating surface exaclty.



