Alleles for Punnett Squares

Alleles for Punnett Squares


The 2x2 square alleles include a rough texture (representing the recessive trait) and a smooth texture (representing the dominant trait). A 2x2 Punnett square board can be made of cardboard or other materials, and then the alleles can be used to find the probability of each genotype outcome. Each 2x2 allele is also labeled with either a “d” or an “r” so that students can tell that the smooth alleles are dominant. The 4x4 square alleles can be used to represent the four following traits: large, small, rough, and smooth. Each allele accounts for a mixture of two traits, with big/small and rough/smooth being mutually exclusive. The 4x4 alleles can be printed at a 75% scale for the big alleles and a 50% scale for the small alleles. Like the 2x2 example, a 4x4 Punnett square model can be created from posterboard to set the alleles in each section.






