Monoprice MP Select Mini V2 X Min Stop Mountini Mount
This is a replacement mount for the Monoprice MP Select Mini V2 X Min Stop switch. This allows removal of the X Gantry affectation. My belt was getting too loose. So, I read and drank, drank and read. What I determined, based upon my reading and drinking, is that I would remove the X gantry stock belt and install some GT2 belt I had laying around. I cut the old belt and installed the new belt with 3D printed clamps. Great. Test print and do stuff. I come back to my test print and it looks like hell. More reading and less drinking ensued. I read a lot about timing belts. Turns out, the people who said that the GT2 belt is a replacement for the stock belt were super-wrong. So, one thing led to another, but suffice to say that: 1. MXL belts cannot be replaced with GT2 belts. 2. The X gantry pulley is the X belt tensioner. 3. Lengths of XML belts are cheaper and easier to install than the stock belt. 4. XML belts are hard to find. 5. The X gantry affectation can be discarded if the X min stop is mounted elsewhere. So, I actually cut my stock belt, but ended up reinstalling it with a printed clamp and new tension provided by our friend, the newly renamed, X belt tension pulley.