Artist-D spool holder replacement
This holder is for JGMaker Artist-D Pro. I was having some issues with vibrations on this printer, and the heavy spools on the top of the frame turned out to be the culprit for the already too heavy Y axis. Especially when printing small details fast or something like gyroid infil, the spools on top would resonate and project a lot of errors into the print. For this reason I decided to put the spools down on the table with these things in place of the old ones so that the feed to the extruders remains the same. The radius is comfortable 110mm and with 4/2 PTFE tube inside there is very little resistance. If you don't mind a bit of scraping/rattling sound, you can probably drop the tube. The difference in reduced vibrations is visible quite a lot, especially with taller stuff where the frame would shake to greater degree than near the bed. I tested a version of this that had a slot for the filament runout sensor, but I scrapped it almost immediately because the sensors that come with the printer introduce enough drag to stop extrusion altogether on a bad day. There is an issue with really tall prints (250mm+) where there is not enough clearance between the extruder and the end of the tube causing some unpleasant looking filament bends. I may be making taller version of it at some point but I don't do prints this tall anyway so it's a low priority problem.