Too many bones (smaller box edition) - ultra condenced storage

Too many bones (smaller box edition) - ultra condenced storage


-- NB! This print is for the new, smaller box of "Too many bones" -- I love the Too Many Bones game, but all those expansions do claim a lot of shelf space. In order to make some room, I decided to see if I could fit the game and the expansion I have into the main game box (the new small version from 2022). The expansions are "Age of tyrrany", "40 Days in Daelore", "Ghillie" and "Nugget", and this print is made for those. Any two characters will fit, but not e.g. "Spilce and Dice". The disks (poker chip) and character dice boxes are pretty self-explanatory, but here is a description for the others: Cards 1: - Encounters - Solo encounters - Tyrant encounters - General special encounters Cards 2: - Loot - Trove loot - Age of tyrrany spceial encounters - Age of tyrrany tyrant cards - Age of tyrrany epilogue cards Small cards: - Scar and boon cards Dice 1: - Attack dice - Defence dice - Scar tokens - Marker Dice 2: - All other non-character dice Please note that this storage solution is all about minimizing space. It will not help you set up the game any faster.



