ANET A8 Ultimate extruder mount
This extruder mount is made for E3D V6 clones in direct drive configuration. I personally used all-metal hotend and it works perfectly so far. It has a mount for BL-touch and some holders for zipties to keep everything tidy. ### Highlights: - optimized for perfect balance with motor as close to smooth rods as possible to minimize play - open assembly for easy servicing - you can use HOT2 fan duct from original design - has BL touch mount ### Needed parts: Extruder gear + lever, I used this one: the original one from Anet could fit as well, not tested E3D V6 hotend Triangle labs make quality parts, I used this one (12V, all-metal) ANET compatible bearing holders, I used these: Bowden tube (capricorn recommended, but any should do since it's a direct drive) Some V6 silicon socks never hurt M3 bolts of various lenghts, you can measure the model once printed. M Print in PETG with higher percentage cubic infill. More wall lines are recommended for higher screwhole rigidity. Supports only needed for the part holding E3D. Your tolerances can differ a bit so if anything seems loose (namely the E3D holder needs to be very tight once screwed together), shrink the model by a tiny bit.