Guitar pedalboard using USB keyboard

Guitar pedalboard using USB keyboard

Description I needed a guitar footswitch board. Initial idea was to use Arduino Uno with MIDI library, but I decided to use USB keyboard instead. Tonelib GFX is missin MIDI tuner toggle command and my knowledge of programming Arduino is low. Designed box with 12 switches, removed one for electronic installation, use one as Numlock on/ off and now I have 20 effective switches. Ground for switches is self adhesive copper tape. Alu would be good too, but one can solder on copper. Make diagram of keyboard pins configuration. 10+ Numlock are needed. Remove Numlock led from board, install it in box and connect it to board. There is some cover over pins on board, clear them and solder short wires to them. SECURE THEM IMMEDIATELY!!!!!! They will peel off if not secured and if soldering temp is to high! Then you can solder longer wires to them. Add some washers on contact points don copper tape. Eventually, copper tape will break on contact point. Washer will provide contact if that happens. One layer of switches (Numlock off) reprogrammed by using Microsoft Power Toys. ToneLib GFX works with keyboard shortcuts, I don't know about other GFX software. Later I added foldable legs to raise back of box 20 or 30mm. Glue base on covers. Hardware needed: M3 everything screws lenghts 10mm for covers, 25mm for securing switches and bottom 6 contacts, 35mm for top 5 contacts.






