Support/Shield for Samsung Smart TV Remote Controll

Support/Shield for Samsung Smart TV Remote Controll


I was ennoyed by the fact that the battery cap of my Samsung TV remote was not holding right. The batteries kept flying off all over the room. This is a tight shield/holder with the unexpected function of keeping the remote vertical on the table with decent amount of stability. The remote is now more visible, and I don't have to search for it around the sofa. It sits nicely straight up on the table. The shield has a slight taper inside so the remote slides nicely in, but it is designed to fit tight. It keep the cap on under optimal pressure and the batteries in place. It was optimised to be printed without supports but I prefer using a raft and keeping the raft after print attached to the object. The raft is minimal, setup at 1mm larger than the object perimeter. On my Sovol it prints perfectly. The scale of the object is set 1440% to fit tightly but not too tight on the remote.






