Ryobi 18v Head

Ryobi 18v Head


WARNING: Be careful with this as fast spinning things like this could be dangerous. Use at your own risk! If things come flying off and make your legs bleed, or pokes your eye out, it's on you for using it! Take it slow and careful like and always wear protection! Don't make it mad or provoke it in any way! I thought it might be fun to make my own Ryobi weed eater head. When I searched on Thingiverse a while back I didn't see one that fit. Of course after I made this one, it looks like there are a few now so if I'd have known that I wouldn't have designed mine, but oh well. I did manage to get weird looks and leading questions from my wife so it was worth it! So here it is. It seems to fit my Ryobi weed eater at least. Maybe it will fit yours or maybe you can scale it or fry it for... well, don't eat it, but scaling to fit it might help. I used quarter inch wide screws (what is that 6mm), and it's about an inch and a quarter long (which is what 3cm). For those with some awareness, you may wish to use medium (blue?) type thread locker (medium lock tight) to keep the screw from turning but not glued where it can't be undone. But, I didn't bother doing that so why should you? My first few iterations didn't fit and then after it fit, I realized the blades were too long and were hitting the line trimmer thing. Now it seems to spin at least. I haven't tried to use it yet outside. Hopefully, this Saturday I can give it a try. I then kept breaking the bendy tabs so i gave it some cut slots to allow it to bend easier without breaking. The bolts were too long so I had to cut those down, etc. Really, all the work I put into it, it really wasn't worth it except for the learning experience. Maybe it will be useful for someone out there. I made it for PLA but then realized I didn't have any, so when printing remember to scale up by 8% because ABS shrinks a bit. LIke I made the z axis from 31mm to 33mm and that seemed to work. You probably want to use 100% infill or at least 60% or more. Try to be gentle with it and not try to run into anything really hard like concrete or bricks or titanium. It's probably good with marshmellows or maybe a little harder. Anyway, find a good church, pray, and turn to Jesus the Savior before using this in case things go horribly wrong and you wake up dead. Try to be kind to others and don't put your finger, nose, or any body parts near the business end of the weed eater. I mean, super fast spinny thing with plastic that shatters, what could go wrong? Remember to kiss your Mom, if she's still around, and tell her you love her! If you're planning on a lawsuit, you may wish to remember the many disclaimers [insert another all encompassing one here] and instead target someone with more money than me to make it more worth your while if you're that kind. Really, don't sue people anyway, but look, there's a squirrel probably in your hard that needs to be looked at and maybe also you can even drewl at the squirrel a little and so you'll forget about some thing you were thinking of doing and all will be OK with the world and you'll remember how cute those little squirrels are even if they are rats with bushy tails and wonder why they bury toxic acorns in the yard to help remove the toxicity only to forget a few which turn into trees, but that they must be drunk half of the time eating all of those half toxic acorns and then realize that they really do have a problem so it's no wonder they are eating on the eves of your house. Maybe you could take a few out if only you had a special weed eater head that you could 3D print in the comfort of your not totally eaten yet home. Naw, that probably wouldn't work anyway, and those squirrels are so gosh darn it cute, you couldn't really do that, you're too good a person for that, and I'm sort of glad about that! Good for you! But now you're wondering how well grilled squirrels on a stick tastes. Let's not go there and stay on that blissful notion of cute squirrels and being a good person! Yeah. That's nice. Now good night, sleep tight, don't let the squirrels bite. No, no, wait, they won't bite if they sense you're a nice person and don't pester them. So remember to be good to squirrels!



