Ruined building terrain and model transportation box for wargames

Ruined building terrain and model transportation box for wargames


I wanted model transport that is also terrain so I can make the most out of my space when transporting my armies. I have tried this with VMT shipping containers in the past, but you only want so many of those, and the Tidy Town terrain is pretty good for shipping but you really don't want too many solid buildings on the table so I designed this. What you'll need depends on if you want to be able to separate the tops of the ruins from the bottoms or if you decide to glue them together. For both you'll need: * To print the 4 files (you really need to print all 4, the upside down and upside up files aren't just mirrors of each other, but have some differences in the magnet hole placements) * Magnetic model trays like the ones I designed at * Two 8mm x 1mm round magnets * Either 14 8mm x 2mm round magnets or 28 more 8mm x 1mm round magnets that you'll end up gluing together * Super glue If you want to be able to separate the tops from the bases of the ruins then you'll need: * Eight 2mm x 2mm round magents * Eight 8mm x 2mm round magnets or sixteen 8mm x 1mm round magnets you'll end up gluing together When assembling, be very careful with your magnet polarities! For designing this I used greebles from: * - Windows * - Doors * - Control panels, eagle icon * - Ladder Future enhancement ideas: * Appropriately sized door to slide into the front door slot I left in place * Rubble piles with small magnets to cover the magnets in the terrain during game play so the models aren't attracted or repelled from the functional magnets in the terrain * Alternative Greeble selections and broken wall patterns to make the ruins more unique from one another * Greeble that gives room for a larger magnet than 2mm round for holding the top and bottom together * Additional insert options * Boxes made from terrain other than buildings (e.g. walkways that somehow magnetize together into boxes






