1$ plastic piece for 2022 Snapmaker 2.0 Extruder
My second or third print on my brand new Snapmaker 2.0 caused a big mess. It formed a 100%-Infill-Blob around the Hotend. while taking it a part I saw a crack in the black plastic piece. You can get this spare part from Snapmaker for 1USD, thats a good price. However the shipping to germany is about 14USD. Now its a tough prize for a small plastic piece. Long story short, I created this spare part out of measurements I took from the broken part. If you disassemble your extruder, take pictures of every step - so you have a "reverse manual" to reassemble it afterwards. I designed the screwholes a bit conical, so a M3-screw should fit into them and make a good connection. You can also melt M3-nuts from behind with a soldering iron like I did. The Sketchup-file is also available in the files, so you can make changes or improvements. But I hope this was the last time I needed this part replaced.