Grafting clips for cucumbers
Clip is designed for grafting cucumbers, tomatoes, etc. I was inspired by the clip of Mr_Kilroy, but it had some problems - very fragile construction of the tubular part, it often broke, and the top part was not strong enough due to the twisting of the clip. The 2nd problem was the circular shape of the tube, it hurt stems of plants with slightly larger diameter. This clip has stronger clamps with an eliptical shape 4x6 mm, it seems to be OK. The dimensions of this clip "as is" are suitable for larger plants with a diameter of around 5 mm, I have made several different modifications in the slicer - a very useful one with the dimensions reduced to 66 % of the original, and both these sizes with the height increased to 150 % for stronger grip and better hold of the graft. My clips were printed from ABS, walls thickness 0,75 or 1 mm, infill 40 %, no brim.