Swabbable Vagina and Vulva - Medical training device
This model is anatomically accurate and scaled to the approximate size of an average adult on both external and internal components. Unlike the majority of other anatomical models of the human reproductive apparatus, this model is specifically designed for use as a training tool for collection and self-collection of cervical & vaginal samples with a swab. These models are being used by researchers at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and colleagues from the https://twitter.com/UKRI_News funded zipime-weka-schista! study, which aims to empower women to take control of their own health through self-testing for schistosomiasis, HIV and cervical cancer. The models are also being used to explain and discuss sexual and reproductive health (condoms, menstruation, contraception) to young people in the @wellcometrust funded CHIEDZA trial in Zimbabwe. https://twitter.com/rashida_abbferr/status/1222762075350609925 Follow Schista here https://twitter.com/SchistaStudy This model was developed by https://twitter.com/LSHTM_GHA Print at 100 %