Pocket-Tactics: Guild Bounty Hunter and Penal Colonist
We're coming to a close on the [Series 3 Kickstarter for our commercial edition of Pocket-Tactics](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/illgottengames/pocket-tactics-series-3-new-dominion/description) (the 3d print-and-play strategy board game that you might have seen kicking around over the last 10 years), and we wanted to share a couple of free mercenary units that can be brought in to add some extra flavor to your custom force builds. All of the current Pocket-Tactics stuff can be found on our site (some of it free). If you want to support us and grab a bunch of stuff in the process, consider pledging on the [Kickstarter](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/illgottengames/pocket-tactics-series-3-new-dominion/description) or to our long-running [Patreon](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/illgottengames/pocket-tactics-series-3-new-dominion/description)! Note- the penal colonists can be printed with numbers 1-6 on their backs. You can include whichever you like in your force builds (even using multiples with the same numbers). Having some trouble uploading the PDF, but for now you can [get the unit cards here](https://www.dropbox.com/s/o3s5d18ml2d4vu6/PocketTactics_GuildBountyHunter_PenalColonist.pdf?dl=0).