Varla Stone - Elder Scrolls

Varla Stone - Elder Scrolls


A Varla Stone (Aldmeris for "star stone") is an enchanted shard of cut Meteoric Glass, a rare type of Aetherial Fragment. The stones were created by the Ayleids. The luminescent crystals of white or blue hue are remarkably powerful, enabling untrained users to restore magical energy to any number of enchanted items. Because of their great value and utility, many of these artifacts were looted from Ayleid ruins after the disappearance of their creators. As such, intact Varla Stones are also extremely rare, but since they are small and easily concealed, diligent explorers may still occasionally come across them" (source: I am in the process of preparing to run an Elder Scrolls themed LARP, and much of my time is fixing models to print as props, toys, and puzzles. This one, I had to essentially rebuild from scratch in order to work. As such, I wish to share it with you here! It works best if the stone is a transparent or glow-in-the-dark medium, to get that natural gem quality. Avoid infill or use "lightning" patterned infill if you want a more solid feeling. Mind the bottom frame when printing, as it has an unsupported bottom layer inside. I will see to fixing that with an angled inward cut to reduce this, if I can be bothered.






