Lapidary Drill - Water Collar
Silicosis is incurable, but is preventable. Wear a full respirator when cutting stone, and always cut wet when possible! Cut wet, don't regret! Use this water drill collar to eliminate dust, cool the bit, and evacuate the cut. Instructions: Roll a coil of plumber's putty into a 1/4 snake that is about 6 inches long. Insert the coil into the base of the Water Drill Collar. Clean the stone or concrete to be drilled, and then place the Water Drill Collar over the desired hole location. Fill with water and drill. An irrigation tube can be connected to the hole, thus flushing the collar with water. Your bits will run cool, material will be evacuated, and dust will be mitigated. Happy lapping! Options: Hot glue works well if plumber's putty is not available, especially the battery powered hot glue gun. Then ethanol, or isopropyl, or denatured alcohol will remove the hot glue easily.