Ancient Buildings in 6mm Scale

Ancient Buildings in 6mm Scale


<b> Ancient Buildings in 6mm Scale </b> Contains: 6 designs for a stone house 20mm sq. 10mm high. 1 Courtyard building 35mm sq. Large Stone City Walls about 80mm long. Large Stone City Walls about 150mm. 2 Tower styles for the Walls. <b> These can be used for games set in the Ancient World. Whether you need buildings for an outpost, a small town, or a major city, these might be what you need. Wars in the Ancient World were about conquering your neighbor, Fortifications were used to prevent this. There are walls and towers to cement them in place as well as family dwellings and larger courtyard villas for the affluent. Carthage, Rome, Greece were just a few places that were areas of endless war. These can be used for RPGs, table top miniatures games, dioramas, or photography scenes. The sky is not a limit. </b> <b>Can be used for games like Age of Hannibal, Pulp Alley, Alternity's Edge, 5 Parsecs From Home, Force on Force, Killwager, Cyberpunk, Stargrave, This is Not a Test, Zona Alpha etc. </b>






