Light Stake Full

Light Stake Full


This is a different version of my light stake extension ( This is the entire stake, as I found that not only does the piece that comes with the solar path light isn't long enough, thus the purpose for the extension, but it won't be long after the part of the stake that inserts into the ground will just break off. OpenSCAD file included. So, this is a full stake with extension. This one is oriented upside down so you can print it without supports. I recommend printing this with high infill if not solid. You'll also need .25" all-thread (6mm) cut to 100mm length. Without this, the stake gets hot and will bend. I've also added pictures on how I put it all together after printing. I tried three times to put them in order here in Thingiverse, but for whatever reason, this feature doesn't seem to work. Either way, here's a summary: 1. I built a small wooden jig with a 5/16" hole drilled through to make cutting the all-thread easier. You can just measure and cut with a hack-saw if desired. 2. I use a Dremel Saw-Max (but you can use any similar tool or even a hack saw) to cut it. 3. Remove the burr and give the all thread a little fillet using a Dremel and a sanding drum. 4. Feed about 3/4" of the all-thread into a drill and spin it down hard. 5. Align the end with the hole in the stake (which is actually the top) and start the drill slow to get it started, then speed up when it is clearly going straight. 6. Screw it in all the way, slowing down the drill so it doesn't collide with the stake. 7. Remove from the drill and you're done.



