AC is Off! - Air Conditioner Sign
If necessity is the mother of invention... My family (mostly children) sit at our dinner table and reach behind to turn off the window air conditioner that primarily cools our living area. About 95% of the time, it is forgotten and does not get turned back on. With summertime approaching, I needed a solution since it usually was not realized for several hours and then the AC unit had to work overtime to cool the house back down. I present to you, the 'AC is Off!' sign! This 3d printed sign along with the mounting L bracket allows the sign to be placed upside-down, on the top of the air conditioner. On my GE model, it covers the power button and must be removed to press the button. Once removed, the air conditioner can be powered off and the sign is placed in front of the 'little button pusher' to politely remind them to turn the unit back on, or deal with a miserably overheating father that comes home to a 85 degree house. Printing: It's relatively thin, should be a fast print, and will require two dabs of glue and a small magnet. Without the magnet, the air blower will send the sign flying across the room. My unit has a plastic faceplate with a steel body so the L bracket was custom designed to fit my GE model. I expect it would work reasonably well on just about any window air conditioner though. Please note that if the bracket can reach a steel part then you will want to attach your magnet there. Mine is super fancy with a recycled refrigerator magnet. I did use a dual extrusion printer to achieve the two-tone color in the sign, but you could just as easily do this on a single extruder printer. The sign base thickness is is 2mm and the letters begin just after the 2mm height. For dual color on a single extrusion printer, you would place a pause at layer height in your gcode and set the value to something like 2.1mm. Then swap your filament and resume the print!