simple wind turbine (WIP)

simple wind turbine (WIP)


Ive always wanted to build a wind turbine, and many of the turbines on Thingiverse aren't the best- so I made my own! This design uses a NEMA-15 stepper mounted on the bracket and 3/4 screws from home depot to secure the blade center to the motor shaft. as of now, the blades have to be glued in and aligned on their own, as tinkercad does not offer a great way to do so. The bearing in the base is the hardcore-608zz bearing scaled to 200% and made shorter slightly. link to original bearing: The base is designed to slot into the center of the bearing and can be mounted via the four screw holes in the corners. I recommend printing every part except for the base and blade center with supports. (make sure the bearing has no supports and that your printer can handle the 75-degree overhang.) Finally, if you decide to print this, please post a make or suggestions for future reversions, as this is a prototype.





