yarn rewinder additions
Here are a few useful additions. Discs for top and bottom to avoid loose threads and a motor drive for automation. There is also a recess in the motor mount for a small switch. This is glued in place (e.g. hot glue). The motor adapter between the machine and the motor should be printed with 100% filling to prevent deformation by the screws. Two M3 screws (min 8mm) and two nuts for the adapter. A gear motor with 150 RPM is required - link: https://aliexpress.com/item/1005003279388288.html The motor is fixed with two countersunk screws: M3 x 6mm. The small switch should have a 4mm lever - link: https://aliexpress.com/item/4001207529493.html For the battery holder two pairs of battery contact plates are needed: 15x10mm with solder tags - link: https://aliexpress.com/item/1005001308633882.html You may need to adjust the height - just shim it a bit to get the alignment just right. I also did not tighten the screws all the way (motor mount to spar board) so that "inaccuracies" can even out a bit. The links are examples and should help to find the exact parts and parameters. https://youtu.be/fmUXs_ZSj5Y https://youtu.be/9_yC_8d7ULI