Featherboard for Festool TKS80 (replaceable)
Heyho here I have a featherboard for your Festool TKS80. It will slide into the existing profile of the angle guide. There are different options: small_thin = small featherboard with 2 perimeter feathers small_big = small featherboard with 4 perimeter feathers big_base = needed to screw the big featherbord to the aluminium profile (4 x M4 Bolt + Screws needed) Note: Only the big versions will reach very close to the surface and therefore are usable to cut thin pieces. big_thin & big_big = same difference as with the small version. If you use stiff material you can choose the thin variations. Keep in mind that your material is tough enough to avoid breaking. I tried PLA, PETG and TPU (hard). Until now I prefer PETG as material. Maybe I´ll design a top version to hold the workpieces down too. Have fun and keep printin! PS: Print as massive as you want. 100% infill and 4 perimeters will be the safe way to go ,-)