Bed Pocket Door for Tacoma

Bed Pocket Door for Tacoma


Instructions: Step 1:Print out the latest version of the Hole Jig.stl in PLA plastic. You might want to print 2 of these, since they might get damaged in step 2. Step 2: Use the jig to cut out the 2 holes (bottom) and 1 slot (top) of the bed pocket. I suggest using a dremel. Step 3: Then print out Version 5 of the door WITH SUPPORTS in PETG plastic Print out the latch in PETG Print out the Knob in PETG Step 4: Get a no. 8 machine screw. The threaded portion needs to be around 35mm long; can always cut it shorter. Cut the head of the screw off, super glue it into the knob you just printed. Step 5:Next, dremel a flat side in the machine screw, turing it from a round shaft to a D shaped shaft. The flat side should face UP when the latch is "closed". You'll have to dremel the screw little by little, testing to see if it fits into the latch. This is just so that the knob orientation lines up with the other doors in the bed of the truck. The latch piece has a flatside in the inner diamater. Step 6: Then get the spring out of a Pilot G2 pen and an Airsoft BB. Load the spring and the BB into the latch mechanism. The Door piece has a track and detents for the ball. Step 7: Assemble the door, latch and knob. Put some loctite on the threads to hold the nut in place. NOTE: May need to trim the holes in the pocket to fit just right.






