Prius Hand Sanitizer Holder

Prius Hand Sanitizer Holder


COVID made me do it: After a year of listening to my little bottle of Trader Joe's hand sanitizer roll around my Prius V center console, I decided to do something about it. This will fit the sanitizer shown perfectly. It will fit the Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day equivalent if you peel back or slice away the bottom of its label. It gives you a little spot to put your Altoids tin projects, too, if you're that kind of nerd. Or, you know, your Altoids. It's held in place with a slip fit in the trapezoidal shape of the console, and it won't slide back. There's still enough space to open the lower cupholder. Printed in Ultimaker silver PLA, it's been in my car for over a year now and has held up well. I was worried about UV exposure and temp cycling making it warp or degrade, but you get what you pay for with this PLA... stability in non-ideal conditions.






