Dji Mini OG/SE/2 Manual Payload Release
Wanted this, saw someone had a similar file for a flipping dollar and some change. Was like flip that this is a community to help spread ideas and build upon for us all to enjoy, not a job. I built this from scratch on Tinkercad. I've got about 10 screw ups to prove it. Remix it, make it better, don't worry about credit cause idgaf. Long live an open and free modding community. Down with greed. Feel emboldened enough to drop a donation though, that's cool too. Don't turn community modding into a job. Stop nickel and diming people. Let art flow freely. Mod/remix my pretties! Mod/remix like the wind! It's got a slight angle on it so you can add whatever it is you want then jerk the drone some type of way, then bombs away... Do not use this to damage property, and more importantly, harm other living things. Including people. PS - acts as a low-end landing gear also.