Gopro mount adapter for gopro gimbal adapter
What in the world is this thing? This the gopro mount adapter for gopro gimbal adapter that can be bought in various places. It consists of two things: the adapter itself and a bucket for counterweight. ...but why? Some of the GoPros cannot be unleashed from it's casing (like Hero or Hero+). Also, my printer is max 10x10x10cm in size, so printing whole adapter was not an option. But does it work? Yes, you can see a bit of gimball arm in the corner. You can deal with it in two ways: a) trim the video b) use gimball in horizontal mode Additional hints? I filled the counterweight basket with steel balls and epoxy resign. Sometimes gimbal creates weird sound, whith i suppose is caused by not ideal adhesion between adapters and it resonates. I'd suggest adding some rubber if you're going to mount it by zipties like me. The gimbal stand is not a part of the project. Tested with Hero and Dji osmo mobile. Should work with simmilar GoPros.