Top Mounted Extruder

Top Mounted Extruder


A simple plate to mount the extruder on top of the printer for easy access and for a more linear feed from the spool to the extruder. I designed it for a ender 3 v2 printer but you literaly can use it for any printer as long as the motor and extruding mechanism have the same hole footprint. I used the same thickness as the original plate to use the exact same hardware. The bottom two hole can fit a M4 bolt to secure it to the 2020 profile with t-nuts. The motor has a slightly gap between him and the profile to reduce vibrations from the motor to the structure ot the other way arround. If you want to modify the design feel free to do it, I updated the cad file and the stl. Disclamer: ======== You'll need to re-route the cables for the extruder and for the hotend but you should be able to use the same PTFE tubing.



