Parametric case for switching PSU

Parametric case for switching PSU


I made this parametric power supply "cap" case for a project of mine. I wasn't satisfied with the cases I found on Thingiverse and other websites (either they had to be screwed in weird places on the PSU, or they weren't easily adaptable to my PSU dimensions, or they were specifically made to be attached to a 3D printer which wasn't a great fit for me). **Important note:** this was modeled using the ASM3 fork of FreeCAD (, mostly because official FreeCAD still hasn't upstreamed topological naming which is always a huge pain to work with. It might or might not work with official FreeCAD (I haven't tested), but I strongly suggest you use ASM3. You'll need a few other stuff along with the cap and the PSU : - 4 screws that fit to the taps at the bottom of the PSU - A cable gland to hold the DC cable in place. I used a modified version of this one, which turned out to work great: . My remix is there and I only changed the gland to support "double" cables: . - An AC outlet like this one: . Remember to properly size the fuse. - 2 screws for the AC outlet. - A DC cable with a correctly sized wire jauge. - A caliper to measure your PSU and report the measurements into the spreadsheet.






