YES/NO EMF Pyramid 85 Studios
This is a Pyramid I built which is for Paranormal Investigation and ITC research. It uses an Arduino Uno R3 to detect EMF on 2 Antennas which then will light one of 2 LEDs within the Tri-Color LED. The Device will remain Blue until EMF is Detected. When the A5 Detects EMF, It will Light the LED on Digital 11, When A1 Detects EMF it will Light the LED on Digital 5. Put the Antennas on A1 and A5 on the board, Uses 2 10K Resistors between A1 and Ground, and Also between A5 and Ground as Voltage Dividers as shown in the Schematic diagram included. I got this Idea from the Yes/No Prism I saw them using on a YouTube Channel Called MindSeed TV. Pretty cool channel on YouTube. Mine is only different from theirs in that Instead of 2 LEDs one on each side of a Prism it uses 1 LED tri-color, green is Yes, Red is No and instead of fading blue on or off, mine will stay blue unless it detects EMF. Also Consider using Aluminum Foil or Foil Tape on the outsides of this for the Antennas. and shielded grounded cable to prevent emf from the device itself contaminating and causing false readings. This is a Work in Progress and you are free to Modify it in any way you see fit!