Sofle V2 Sandwich Mount Case w/ Tenting

Sofle V2 Sandwich Mount Case w/ Tenting


A sandwich mount, tent-able case for the Sofle v2 Mechanical Split Keyboard. This was made because I wanted a more elegant looking case for the Sofle v2, while supporting RGB backlight, a large battery and sandwich mounting. Uses 6 M2 heatset inserts (max 10mm) per side, and 3 M3 heatset inserts per side for the legs. Use M2x6mm (up to 12mm) screws to mount the bottom to the top, and M3x12mm screws to mount the legs to the top. Use any 3mm thick gasket material on both sides of the plate. Gaskets should be cut to 3mm width for cleanest fit. If you opt to use the longer legs with a hinge, an extra M2x6mm and M2 nut is needed per leg. Battery110 specifically fits a [3.5mm x 53mm x 110mm battery]( I keep it in place in the bottom part using superglue. For legs, I used [rubber bumpers](





