Dorsey 6 AAA Conversion to 18650

Dorsey 6 AAA Conversion to 18650


This model is used to convert a Dorsey LED flashlight from using 6 AAA batteries to use a single 18650 battery. The "nose" component of the original battery carrier is reused with the new carrier, along with it's two screws. Material used is not critical. PLA, ABS, PETG would all work fine. Assembly uses an AA negative contact (with spring), a length of 8mm wide nickel plated steel tape (used in assembling Lion battery packs), and a 6mm long 3mm flat head screw. Print with support settings that promote easy removal. Position with the steel tape channel at the bottom. The channel is used to route the nickel tape from negative terminal to the front where it will fit under the edge of the "nose" piece to contact pickups there. Solder the tape to the negative terminal. Position the terminal in place, passing the tape through the slot into the channel. CA glue the terminal in place against the battery space rear bulkhead. Sharply bend the tape and route to the front of the carrier via the channel. Bend to contact the front of the carrier & trim to length, allowing the tape to extend under the "nose" component footprint by about 3mm. Fit the 3mm flat head screw into the hole in the carrier front from inside the battery compartment. Screw in far enough to leave just a small portion of the hole for the "nose" piece spring contact to fit into. Using the original two screws, attach the nose piece with the spring contact fitting into the center screw hole and the negative pole contacts covering the bent terminal end of the tape. At this point, the new carrier should be ready for use.



