Credit Card Algae Scraper for fish tank

Credit Card Algae Scraper for fish tank


Aquarium glass cleaner / scraper. Requires a cut in half credit or store card. I was previously using a magnetic flipper with a stainless steel scraper, and wasn't satisfied with the expensive blade that wore out and the limited scraping effectiveness with hard algae. This is safer with a plastic credit/debit/bank card for the scraping surface, and actually works much better than the stainless magnetic one. The only downside is that you have to put your arm in, but then you can clean all areas of the tank. Print on it's side with the L-shape sitting on the print bed. I used a skirt to make sure it stayed stuck to the bed, with 2 wall thickness and variable infill (using infill modifiers in prusaslicer - on my ratrig printer) - 60% infill for the card slot area, 30% infill for the half of the handle near the card slot, and 10% infill for the end of the handle to save on filament. No supports needed.






