30 Minute Missions - Unofficial Option set 2.X - Missile Mania!

30 Minute Missions - Unofficial Option set 2.X - Missile Mania!


I got sick of option set 2 constantly being sold out so designed my own and got a bit carried away as usual. armor plate - dual and single peg versions, dual peg version fits in backpack slot shield projector - single peg 4 missile designs - each has a single peg - use these for the silos with removable missiles single missile silo (AKA arm silo) - 2 pieces + a door/flap - removable missile - single peg dual missile silo - removable missiles - single peg 3 missile silo - non-removable missiles - single peg 4 missile silo (AKA missile gun) - non-removable missiles - 3x 3mm holes - 1x gun attachment slot - 1 male weapon connector - use this with the gun base piece to make the handheld missile gun (also adds a 3mm hole and another gun attachment slot) - add the cover stock to remove the handle 5 missile silo - non-removable missiles - single peg 6 missile silo (AKA triangle silo) - removable missiles - single peg 14 missile silo - 10x 3mm holes - use the male-male connectors or dual connectors to connect them - non-removable missiles 15 missile silo (AKA missile arm) - 4x 3mm holes - c-connector - can be used as a fore arm - can be used as a head - non-removable missiles 20 missile silo - c-connector for included door - 6x 3mm holes - non-removable missiles Modular missile silo - can make a dual or triple version - amount of 3mm holes can vary - single peg - removable missiles connector pegs - single peg to single peg connection - dual peg to dual peg connector, can fit in backpack slot Much thanks to the 30MM tabletop wargame discord for continuing to encourage and engage with me. Link: https://discord.gg/aVGx3VYF







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