Dark Knight Coin Re-Mixed
This is a Re-Mix of the [Dark Knight Coin](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:78841) by [timsantoro,](https://www.thingiverse.com/timsantoro/designs) originally posted on April 23, 2013. I combined the two pieces into one and retyped the quote because TinkerCad would not import it. Since everything is in one piece, you will either need to stop the print and change the filament to whatever color you'd like, or simply paint it. I did this because I wanted to make it for a friend of mine who is into Batman/Dark Knight but I cannot use acrylic. I used black PLA plastic and simply painted the letter tops and the batman insignia white. You can use whatever colors you'd like. If anyone prints this item, please show it. Thank you.