Boromir's Sword form Lord of the Rings (Andúril) Full Size, 8x8 Bed Printable

Boromir's Sword form Lord of the Rings (Andúril) Full Size, 8x8 Bed Printable


I am planning a Boromir cosplay for DragonCon in Atlanta this year and was surprised to not be able to find any good models of Boromir's sword that were free. I went to Weta's website, got some high-quality images and dimensions, and modeled everything as closely as possible in SolidWorks The sword should be the exact dimensions of the movie prop within reason and is intended to be printed on an 8X8 Ender 3 printer. I have broken the parts up and once printed they should be glued together and finished. I designed the sword to use three steel rods in order to support the mass and prevent breaking. The center dowel is a 1/4" x 11" and the two side ones are 1/8" x 26.5" They can be purchased from McMaster Carr using the links below For added strength, I would recommend printing the blade pieces parallel to the build plate in order to have the material's shear strength in the most advantageous orientation. Finally, I have not yet printed these pieces but will soon and will post any updated information or models






