Pill Capsule Packer (Size 0, 16 Capsules)
A collection of racks that allow you to pack 0 size capsules with supplements. The handle for the packing rack must be glued in, I used super glue. USE DESCRIPTION: Step 1: Assemble press with bottom rack and top rack Step 2: Insert all 16 lower half capsules into the assembled rack Step 3: Pour correct amount of material to be packed into the rack Step 4: Using a card scrape, tap, and agitate the material until the capsules appear full Step 5: Use the packing rack to press the material into the capsules Step 6: Repeat 4-5 until you cannot press any more material into capsules Step 7: Scrape excess material out of the top rack Step 8: Hold lower and upper rack together and press them onto the ejector rack Step 9: When capsules are popped up slide the end caps onto each capsule Step 10: Remove upper rack and press onto a flat surface pushing all assembled capsules out. I based this design off the dimensions of "now" brand 0 size gelatin capsules. The vegan now brand capsules do fit however they fit much tighter than the gelatin ones. The first time I printed this none of the capsules I tried fit it because the holes were just slightly too small. I took sandpaper to each hole until all holes correctly fit the pills then remeasured the diameter and adjusted the model based on the measurement. I have not tested this since. If you print this please let me know if it is too small or large for your capsules and what brand you tried.