Flexible Raspberry PI Camera Mount // Ender 3 V2?

Flexible Raspberry PI Camera Mount // Ender 3 V2?


I decided to create a flexible camera mount for my Ender 3 v2. It allows to position the camera quick and easy in a wide area to fit the needs of each print job. A good camera position does not only ease the monitoring of the print job but also improves the quality of timelaps shots. The NORMAL version is already quiet thin, but i also uploaded an additional SLIM edition. The whole thing can be printed at once without the use of any supports. You should not need to rotate the parts before printing, they are already alinged. :-) The parts are numbered beginning at the bracket, ascending to the camera. Part 3 is available in a long version but the normal one fits well for me. I tested the camera chassis with the Raspberry Pi cam V1 and V2. Both fit well. Please let me know if you have any issues. Needed mounting material: <ul> <li>7x M3x10</li> <li>2x M3x15</li> <li>9x M3 washer</li> <li>9x M3 nuts</li> </ul>



