VW Touareg User Manual Clip

VW Touareg User Manual Clip


We have a 2010 VW Touareg and in the AZ heat, the clip that previously held the 3 ring binder thing for the user manual had broken. This left us always chasing the top half of the user manual as the binder would always swing open which was really annoying. I can run a full intractable style on this if someone needs it (lemme know). All in all, I think it is pretty simple: 1) Unscrew the metal plate from the cover 2) Remove the old studs that held the original clip in 3) Print this thing 4) Get some screws (I used M2.3x5 laptop repair screws but I had to cut the tips slightly after install as they were a touch too long). 5) Mark the location of the screw holes and drill your holes (or be crazy and drill straight into the printed part (watch yo fingas) - I could have designed the holes into the part but this was easier/faster and worked really well. 6) Install screws into printed part (I designed this for the screws to go bottom up but you do you). 7) Procure the right size zip tie/cable tie (depending on how civilized you find yourself today). 8) Pop your zip tie through the slot 9) Install all your booklets in whatever order you want to look at them for eternity (or till you want to cut the zip tie). 10) Zip tie the binder bar to the printed part 11) Profit






