Laser Collimator for Newtonian Telescope
This is a laser collimator for Newtonian type telescope The instructions to build: Extra parts: 1) First of all you will need a laser pointer to install inside the tube 2) 4x20 screws 6 pieces Build 1) put on the pointer fixing rings (with 3 holes around) 2) put in the laser inside the laser tube 3) fix the laser with screws right in the middle (you may need some time to adjust it right) 4) build up the other parts, its pretty easy 5) the main thing this collimator won't work if laser is not parallel to the tube or not in center 6) So there is a collimating cap (only to collimate the collimator, NOT for telescope) 7) use the cap to se the laser dot, it should be in center, otherwise experiment with screws 8) as soon as red dot is in the middle of the cap - device is ready to use 9) remove collimating cap from the device 10) insert into the focuser, you should be able to se the red dot on the main mirror 11) try to rotate collimator to check if the laser is parallel to tube, if red light goes around on the main mirror - try to adjust the screws. 12) as soon as you rotate laser and the red dot stays in the same place on the main mirror - collimating device is ready. Telescope collimation 1) collimating device is inserted into focuser 2) firstly adjust secondary (little) mirror with screws on the spider, you have to aim to the center of the mirror 3) then you have to adjust primary (large) mirror, with screws on the bottom 4) the main goal is to see laser goes inside the collimator -back the same place PS. I have collimated my scope with Cheshir before, and now I see that was not perfect - so now I am happy having this device