Temperature Tower

Temperature Tower


I was in the search for a heat tower to calibrate my printers. Though there are many good ones on the web currently.I wanted one that was more rigourous for the printer. I came up with this design through a few iterations in which I kept adjusting the model until I could get it to present valid results that I could use as helpful data. It is designed to test many things including: 5 different bridges Various through hole shapes and sizes Detail with a sweep hat covers four shapes 30, 45, and 60 degree overhangs Chamfer Fillet Inside radius Outside radius I found this very helpful for initial setup for my 3D printers. It challenged them enough that I could accurately pinpoint the data I wanted without causing a total print fail. It is designed to be printed at 5 degree increments every 5 mm from 220-185. I was using Ultimaker Cura as my slicer to edit the temperatures at different heights but this can be done in virtually any slicing software.



