Piper Warrior II Kit Card
The **Piper Warrior II** is just one of the many variants of the classic PA-28 Cherokee airframe created by Piper Aircraft, which has been in production since 1961! My reasoning for making this specific variant is personal. I took my first introductory flying lesson in one of these from my local airport 3 years ago, with my grandad in the back, which to this day is one of my most cherished memories. *** Included is the standard fit, same as past kits, but also a tighter **(labelled Ti)** variant as I know some of you find them too loose! *For those uninterested in the card format, there are frameless variants included, alongside the individual part files!* Print at **0.2mm layer height**, there really is no benefit from printing at a higher resolution and it could affect the fit. The model parts are 1.8mm high, which is not divisible by 0.16 for example! Be sure to print with **100% infill** for it to hang straight as the weight distribution can be sensitive! Makes greatly appreciated, always glad to see them! Happy Printing! *** **Interested in selling?** *All files are marked as non-commercial along with any remixes created from them.* If you *are* interested in selling physical prints of my models anywhere, be it online or offline, you can obtain a **sales license** when subscribed to Tier 3 of my **[Ko-Fi memberships](https://ko-fi.com/nakozen/tiers)**! [![Subscribe to Sell!](https://i.imgur.com/FImf1Ax.png)](https://ko-fi.com/nakozen/tiers) [![Buy Me a Coffee at ko-fi.com](https://i.imgur.com/1JIIjT5.png)](https://ko-fi.com/K3K31XW7H)