Keyboard Hooks and Board Bumper

Keyboard Hooks and Board Bumper


These hooks are designed for a keyboard that is: 150mm Top to bottom x 28mm Thick at its thickest point. (Brand: E-Yoozo) you can place the Hooks as far apart as needed under your desk. I used double stick (gel) tape to attach under my desk. (tracks on models for tape placement) You can also change the dimensions in the Fusion 360 file to fit whatever size needed. I printed the Hooks in PLA, with a 0.3mm Layer Height, 3 walls, and 3% Rectilinear Infill. The Bumper is so that you don't push the keyboard out the back. It also has a slot in it to accept a piece of cardboard to stick out from under your desk to catch debris and small parts that get dropped when working. I made the Bumper out of TPU (Priline), but it will probably work with PLA too. I used the same settings as for the Hooks.






