Neato D7 connected wheel and drive gear

Neato D7 connected wheel and drive gear


After having spent quite a while to try to find a wheel replacement (or a printable one that works well) for my neato d7 connected. I decided on making one myself, with a drive gear that fits it. The wheel itself works with the original drive gear and I recommend to add some grease to it before assembling it. The drive gear works with the original wheel as well. The drive gear comes in two parts in order to allow for printing without supports. It is a snug fit, but if your printer is properly adjusted it will fit (you do not need to use glue). I presume that this wheel works for all Neato connected vacuum cleaners. I have use the original tire (glued on the wheel). I might make a tire at one point as well. The wheel and drive has been tested and works perfectly.






