Winchester and Winchseter Super-X Customized Lids for my 22LR Bullet Holder

Winchester and Winchseter Super-X Customized Lids for my 22LR Bullet Holder


These are custom “Winchester” and “Winchester Super X” I designed lids for my [22LR Bullet Holder]( I have also designed a bunch of [CCI lids]( as well as a [Remington lid]( For the “Winchester” lid, you can print the base layer in black or white, and have the “Winchester” in red. For the “Winchester Super-X” lid, I recommend printing the base in white, then switch to black for 3 layers @ 0.2mm per layer, then switch to Red for the last three layers @ 0.2mm per layer to finish it off. I colored the SolidWorks model to give you an idea of what it would look like when done.



